Autor: adela-adriana moscu
Descriere: Biografie:Background
-Born in Cluj-Napoca, ROMANIA on November 9, 1958
-High School Educated in Europe (Romania)
-Relocated to USA in 1976
-B.A. in Psychology from Brooklyn College, New York City, USA (1983)
-M.S.W. in Clinical Social Work from New York University, USA (1987)
-Certified Hypnotherapist (1988 NYC)
-C.S.W., Certified Social Worker (1989)
-L.C.S.W., Licensed Certified Social Worker (1993)
-A.C.S.W., Accredited Certified Social Worker – National Association of -Social Workers (1995)
-Former dance teacher and performer with Anahid Sofian Dance Company in New York City 1979-1983
-Practicing Reiki since 1996
-Registered and studied with the International Institute of Reflexology since 1997
-Completed the beginning and advanced Bio-Energy studies with Mietek Wirkus and Margaret Wirkus in Bethesda, MD, USA (2000) ~
-Written and published poetry in various anthology books and publications
-Participated and presented collections of my own paintings in both solo and group fine arts exhibitions
-Acquired cross-cultural experiences working with various ethnic groups, studying, working and traveling throughout different countries including Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Holland, Hungary, India, Italy, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, USA

-Preocupari/interese:Traveling, singing, dancing, creating poetry and most of all advocating for Peace.

Adesa pentru contact pentru cititori este: [email protected]

Motto: Iubesc pacea!
Nivel Acces: 20
Pseudonim: SUNSHINE
Lista Texte
Nr. Titlu text Categoria Nr. Comentarii Postat la  
1 . ...... eseu 0 2005-04-22  
2 . ...... poezie 2 2005-04-22  
3 . ...... poezie 0 2005-04-06  
4 . ...... poezie 0 2005-03-22  
5 . ...... poezie 0 2005-03-22  
6 . ...... poezie 0 2005-03-22  
7 . ...... poezie 0 2005-03-22  
8 . ...... poezie 8 2005-02-17  
9 . ...... poezie 0 2005-02-16  
10 . ...... poezie 0 2005-02-16  
11 . ...... poezie 4 2005-02-16  
12 . ...... poezie 2 2005-02-16  
13 . ...... poezie 4 2005-02-16  
Lista Comentarii
Nr. Comentariu la textul Postat la  
1 . ...... 2005-02-19  
2 . ...... 2005-02-19  
3 . ...... 2005-02-19  
4 . ...... 2005-02-18  
5 . ...... 2005-02-18  
6 . ...... 2005-02-18  
7 . ...... 2005-02-18  
8 . ...... 2005-02-17  
9 . ...... 2005-02-17  
Nu am cont!
Am uitat parola!

Texte: 23969
Comentarii: 120095
Useri: 1426